Brain massage with Rituals

Experience immediate stress relief and deep rest for the mind. Surrender to the power of breath, sounds and vibration, and bring your mind into a meditative state. Rituals HQ in Amsterdam has developed a new way of relaxation.

There's even such a thing as a brain massage – a treatment that uses electrical or magnetic pulses to stimulate the cells of the brain. It's early days, but the research team found the potential for health improvements in a number of areas, one of which is memory improvement.

With the hydro massage

For a complete reset of mind and body, add the hydro massage to your brain massage for a special price. This unique warm waterbed massage releases all the stress in your body with the soothing warmth and gentle power of water.

Mind Oasis

Experience a refuge of relaxation combining innovative, effective and science-based techniques with the ancient wisdom of meditation and mental stress relief. This is where you can take a much deserved break from life’s hectic pace. 


Can massage help your brain?
Massage helps promote proper neurological function throughout the body which translates to the brain better perceiving its environment. The brain works similarly as a computer.
What happens to the brain after a massage?
Massage is known to stimulate serotonin and dopamine, improve brain wave activity as well as quality of sleep, and activate parasympathetic response.
How can rituals brain massage work? 
By utilizing brainwave entrainment techniques, such as the combining power of breath, 4D sound, haptic vibration, light and fragrance at the Brain Massage, you can bring your brain into the theta brainwave state. Theta brainwave state occurs when our attention is withdrawn from the external world and focused inward.
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Is it good to massage your brain?
A head massage is a great way to boost your memory and improve concentration. It improves blood flow to the brain by making use of the right pressure points. It supplies your nervous system with more oxygen, helping to improve memory and concentration. It is especially recommended for those who have difficulty with meditation.
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What are the benefits of massage therapy for the brain?
The Mental Health Benefits of Massage
  • Improved Sleep. ...
  • Relieve Symptoms of Depression. ...
  • Promote feelings of wellbeing and connection. ...
  • Lowered Stress Levels. ...
  • Feel Fresh and Energized. ...
  • Naturally Increase Serotonin and Dopamine. ...
  • Calm Your Mind. ...
  • Mental Health. 