Perpetue Robert - Naturopath: The Law of staying healthy at any age

Perpetue Robert, married for 21 years, mother of 3 sons and residing in Quebec, Canada, studied chemistry to food processing, agriculutural laboratory and nursing. She equally studied at EMNP (Ecole de Medicine Naturelle Préventive (School of Preventive Natural Medicin). After a terrible accident that left her with three surgeries and trauma, she studied naturopathy to help her cope with inflammation and depression. This was her great bounce back which helped her where she is today. Perpetue Robert is currently also studying herbal nutrition. Her passions are cooking, dancing, scriptures...

Her mission now is to help people with health issues, heal physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally using natural remedies and products.

Currently, she is the CEO of two companies: Mrs. Perpetue Robert, Naturopath and Naturyah. She sees her clients individually and virtually as a naturopath to help them cleanse and strengthen their elimination channels to support their immune system and overall health.

Perpetue Robert is also the author of a popular e-book on gut cleansing.  E-books are available in English version and French version.

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As a naturopath and coach, she helps people turn their health issues into fuel to unlock their full potential.


How to contact Perpetue Robert:

Languages: English and French.



Follow her on:

IG: perpetuerobertrobertnaturopathe

FB: Perpetue Robert


Daily routine to help you during fall-winter (geographically related) !


To your success and a healthier you! You will thank yourself later as you take care of your temple!