Connect with the right accountability partner.

One of the worst things you can connect yourself to is a person who complains. It is important that, as you shift your life and stretch toward your greater purpose, you surround yourself with someone who is likeminded.

Unfortunately, people aren't celebrated enough. Divorce rate is high, but this should not stop you. When you are stretching into the unknown and choosing to be uncomfortable, you want to be around somebody who will celebrate your bravery and encourage you towards success NOT kill your dreams with negativity.  The average person tends to look at life from a reactionary place, complaining about the wrongs and injustices they perceive.  You, however, must remember to align yourself with somebody who is solution-oriented and even problem-preventative in his/her thought processes.  Connecting with the right person can make all the difference in your personal development and relationship; somebody who supports your vision.

We ought to be fearless with love and accountable for our actions towards our loved one and others.

Life remains a journey of lessons learned. It is never too late to meet Mr. Right or Mrs. Right. 

I believe in BEING the right person, BEING in the right place at the right time and let the DIVINE happen.

Two are better than one and a threefold cord cannot easily be broken.

 Love makes things happen!